A young friend with benefits...

The couple in this story are very dear friends, we have been asking them for simply ages to share their experience with others.

Very heartening to read such a positive experience of cuckoldry.

The third party male, James, relates their story:

I'm 24 and currently enjoying the best sex of my life with a married lady, Alicia, 49. For about 8 months now I have had an exclusive arrangement to service her. We get together at weekends and usually once or twice during the week. Her cuckold husband Mark, 63 is normally in attendance.

My sex life had been highly conventional up until 2 years ago when I split up with my long-term girlfriend. Not wanting a new commitment but seeking regular sex I decided to join a swinger site. I set up an account posted several photographs of myself naked, some sporting an erection, and awaited replies. I am fortunate to be quite well-endowed, just over 9 inches in length and quite thick - a definite advantage in the lifestyle. I soon had many offers, particularly from couples 40 and over.

I was surprised how attractive I found older ladies and very soon I had enjoyed my first threesome with a couple in their late forties. I enjoyed this tremendously, especially how highly aroused the lady became with two men attending to her. I was now very eager to experience more older ladies and my penis was my ticket to many more enjoyable meetings with up-market couples varying in age between 43 and 59. A key part of such sites is that people you meet post feedback about how it went. I soon had some very positive feedback and found I could almost take my pick of some extremely attractive mature ladies.

I met Alicia and Mark, on the site. They were first-timers looking for a man. Like the female half of most swinging couples, Alicia was the prime mover, and knew exactly what she wanted - a young, well endowed man. They were understandably quite nervous about inviting a guest male to their bedroom and I naturally did my best to reassure them. They made it clear that they were hoping for a long term arrangement and that Mark would not participate other than to observe. They were adamant that they needed several social meetings, to feel sure, before any intimacy took place. Alicia is a very classy elegant lady and anything but the typical swinger type. She is tall with long legs, topped off by a magnificent 38EE bust and loves to wear sexy lingerie. Needless to say I was tremendously attracted to her from the start and happy to agree anything for a chance to be with her.

Initially, Alicia was attracted by "my magnificent endowment" as she calls it, she makes no secret that it is the prime requirement for her lover, but during our several social meets to get to know each other we found we had not only a mutual attraction but an instant rapport. She and her husband enjoy an affluent lifestyle which I am more than pleased to participate in.

I had been to their home several times before and we had talked and I was expecting this Saturday afternoon to be the same. However when I arrived Mark asked me to go upstairs to speak to Alicia. I entered the bedroom and found her lying on the bed in her stockings, bra and panties and realised with mounting excitement that we would have sex. Well our first session was a tremendous success. We gave each other oral, I was delighted to find she was clean shaven, and made love four times in various positions. The bedroom door was left wide open so her husband could watch us. Several times he came into the room to ask us how we were enjoying ourselves remarking how good we looked together.

Following our initial coupling they asked me if I would have a regular relationship with Alicia and be faithful to her. I readily agreed.

Alicia and I often have sex when Mark isn't around but we both agree it is far more enjoyable when he is with us. He will suggest what he would like to see us do and compliment us on our performance. Our sessions are always geared for Mark's enjoyment when he watches us. Alicia can be very vocal in expressing her pleasure, telling me how she loves my big cock inside her for example. Mark particularly enjoys watching Alicia give me oral pleasure and likes me to make love to her doggy style. A key factor often not understood is that the cuckold is the key person in the relationship.

Where will our relationship go from here? Well, I don't think any of us know at the moment. Personally I'm just so happy. Mark and Alicia are almost like substitute parents to me. In fact they have both said I am like the son they never had with, as Alicia adds, the advantage that we can enjoy sex together!

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